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Friday, January 30, 2009

GOP Senator helps democrats, and the President with a Supermajority

Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire said Friday that he's being considered by President Barack Obama for a Cabinet appointment as head of the Commerce Department.

The president calls this being by partisan but with Democrats holding a 56-41 majority in the 100-member Senate, and two independents caucus with them. The Senate seat from Minnesota remains undecided, with Sen. Norm Coleman and challenger Al Franken in a close, court-based contest, of course he will nominate Judd Gregg. At present he is Senator Judd Gregg, Republican from New Hampshire. New Hampshire has a Democrat Governor. Any guess which political party he picks from to replace Sen. Gregg? Do you think the Democrats are sleeping in the Senate? Next week is a critical vote on the Stimulus Plan passed by the House with All Republicans Voting NO. If Senate Republicans vote party line, it will be impossible to approve Cloture. A Cloture vote requires 60 Senators out of 100. Add an Independent and a couple Democrats who wake up, and that bill stops dead in its tracks. The House bill that Obama "wants" is going to cost over $1 Trillion with interest, and it does nothing much to really stimulate the economy. This mostly builds up the size of Government, and does nothing to help the economy.

Senator Judd Gregg must turn down the appointment since the governor of New Hampshire is a democrat and will appoint a democrat giving the democrats a super-majority in the senate. Democrats will then be able to ram anything they want through both the house and the senate and the republicans will not be able to do anything to protect the people.
This is an Obama trick to get a Republican Senator out, and a Democrat in for the Senate giving Obama his major majority victory. Don't be fooled by this trick.

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