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Friday, February 06, 2009

Threat of Gun Shooting at Serrano High School

By Anthony Landaeta
True facts News 2/06/09

Parents of students stunned today at Serrano High School Lcated in Phelan Ca. when students were calling their parents asking to be taken home as rumors in the last 24 hrs of a school shooting swarmed the student cell phones in the form of text messages. It appears the school has been having some racial issues over the past week with violence between some whites and blacks. Students have stated that one student was expelled this week for bringing knives to school and selling them to other students and rumors of another incident happened this week where a white student driving a car was jumped by a group of black students (still waiting on confirmation of incident). I (a parent of a Junior at Serrano) spoke with Kathy Sharkey at the school district, and she had stated that the school policy is not to notify the parent of rumors regarding incidences of school violence, and that they had just learned of the threat of a shooting last night. She stated that the district is taking every precaution possible to ensure the safety of the students and that a phone message would be sent out to parents later on today to notifying them of the situation at the High school.
It appears the school district as well as the high school didn’t feel there was a need to contact parents regarding several incidents that have happen over the past week on campus and off campus or when they learned of a threat of gun violence at the high school today. But knew enough to have several police officers at the school this morning before 7:00a.m. and have all classes in lock down mode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I go to serrano, and about the cops being all over this morning it's true, but when i saw that i left. But about kids selling knives i didnt hear about that or about the kid getting jumped. But every single day this week there has been some sort of fight or confrontation. I know a girl was jumped by three guys and i know that there was a fight by stater bros, by the school and two kids were supposedly stabbed. But i wasn't there for that.