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Monday, March 09, 2009

Americans Ok with Socialism

Monday, March 09, 2009
Written By Anthony Landaeta
Over the past week, based off the polls on NBC, CNN, and FOX it appears Americans are ok with President Obama's Decisions in regards to spending our children's Future incomes through the means of trillions of dollars of debt, and higher taxes the President, and Congress have been passing. I have watched on T.V and listened to Radio shows, in total dismay how regular folks are Ok with Government being in control of our lives to the extent of providing the goods we need to survive on a daily basis. Our four fathers fight for the rights we have today for self-rule, to have the ability to run our own lives as we see fit. By contrast I have watched in horror as the left wing Media along with this Congress and President are slowly telling us, that Government is the only way to fix our crisis that we are currently living in, by not letting the natural process of progress through time correct the wrongs that have plagued our markets of bad decisions. I see the forces on the left doing what the can to change our society, by taking away the Hope that comes from the Prosperity of working hard everyday to better ourselves through the pride of accomplishment to a Government of hand holding and giving us something we don't deserve. The word "Change" that the President was elected on only comes in one form. This process can only come by way of a controlled Government action to ensure that the Changes that the President has pledged be beneficial to all of society and not to the individuals who strive everyday by working hard to better themselves to reach the ultimate goal of achievement through self sacrifice. The basic principles of a government within Capitalism is to be responsive to the needs of all the people as a whole not to a selective few, that every individual have a equal opportunity to share in the wealth this country has to offer all people. President Obama wants Americans to give up on the Idea of Liberty and self-rule, for a Government style of Socialism in The United States of America, so that no one can feel inadequate, but feel equal for not doing well.
Published by True Facts News

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