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Friday, September 24, 2010

The worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression hurt more than half of Americans

Life during the Great Depression – Lessons Learned

First-hand recollections of life during the Great Depression must not be disregarded. Those “children’s” voices now plead with us to recognize the symptoms of an economic CRASH and to react in time.

“Don’t spend money you don’t already have in your pocket.”

“Don’t pay someone else to provide something that you can learn to do or to make yourself.”

Abandonment of traditional values and frugality. “Never buy anything you can use – only what you can’t live without.”

Self-Indulgence and self-gratification by immediate acquisition of possessions. “Don’t buy anything until you have twice the purchase amount.”

High Expectations by gambling in the stock market. “It’s doesn’t matter how much money you can make, but how much money you can save!”


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